Are you cut out for long term success in the property industry?

Kyero team member

So you’re in the property business. You may have been doing this job for years. But are you set up for long term success? Short-term success is easy to measure – the number of sales you’re making on a weekly basis and the money in the bank tell you whether you’re running a profitable business in the short term.

long term growth

But are you putting in the groundwork that will ensure you’re not just successful today but every day until you decide you want to hand over to a successor and spend your days on the beach or the golf course, enjoying your retirement?

Have a look at the questions below and answer honestly – are you more A, B or C? Write down your answers then see what the results tell you.

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How would you describe your marketing strategy?

  1. Thorough. I’ve got a long term plan that I break down into shorter term goals and actions so I can test everything thoroughly.
  2. Exciting! I’m always trying new things – social media, video, whatever’s the rage.
  3. I wouldn’t exactly call it a strategy – I go on my gut. Instinct has done me pretty well so far.

How long do you track the performance of a new marketing technique before you move on to the next thing?

  1. At least six months, and I always benchmark against past campaigns and strategic goals.
  2. Maybe a month, two at the most – I want results quickly. If I don’t get them, I move on.
  3. Track performance? I don’t do numbers; they’re far too much effort and I’ve got houses to sell.

How important do you think photography is when it comes to selling property?

  1. Vital – they’re the first impression potential buyers get so I always invest in great quality imagery.
  2. Pretty important – I always make sure to get a few good snaps on my phone when I go visit a property I’m listing.
  3. Overrated really – it’s when you get the buyer through the door that you can really start selling.

How well do you know your target clients?

  1. I’ve done some work on customer personas and follow the Kyero blog and podcast to keep up to date with current trends.
  2. I have a rough idea of the kind of clients I usually work with, but international buyers are all pretty much the same, right?
  3. Every person is different so I really don’t see the point in trying to figure them out – I’ll deal with each individual as they come.

Where do you advertise to international buyers?

  1. Directly on social media, as well as through Kyero, which is where I get most of my leads.
  2. I’m listed on every Spanish property portal around the world! Pretty impressive, right?
  3. I did a few adverts in an international property magazine once but no one seemed interested so I haven’t bothered since.

How do you follow up on enquiries that come through your website or other online media?

  1. I always get back to people within 24 hours and I have a process that I follow which includes adding them to my CRM and checking in regularly.
  2. I usually get back to people pretty quickly, unless it’s really busy – or it’s a foreign buyer and I don’t understand the language.
  3. Unless people are ready to buy now, I don’t bother wasting my time. I’m too busy to think about the maybes.

What added extras do you offer your international buyers?

  1. I’ve created a guide to buying property in my area, with information like phone numbers for local notaries and recommendations for lawyers, builders and so on.
  2. I’m always happy to tell them about nearby bars and things, if they’re interested.
  3. I don’t have time to act as a tour guide – my job is to show them properties and that’s what I stick to.

What’s your vendor marketing strategy?

  1. I try to keep up with the types of properties that are selling well at the moment and advertise locally to attract the right vendors.
  2. I’m always on the lookout for people who are ready to sell, but usually I hear about it on the grapevine and give them a call.
  3. What do I need to advertise to vendors for? It’s when I get a buyer that I make my money!

What kind of photos do you use in your listings?

  1. A selection of indoor and outdoor photos plus a few of the local area and a couple of lifestyle shots to help people really feel the atmosphere.
  2. One of every room, from each angle, plus a shot from the street.
  3. Whatever the vendor sends me – I don’t have time to go round every house and spend time playing photographer.



Mostly As

You’re almost certainly set up for long term success and if you haven’t hit the jackpot yet then it’s only a matter of time. You understand the theory behind marketing and selling, you invest the time and effort needed and you’re willing to keep going until you see results. Well done!


Mostly Bs

You’re enthusiastic about your business and willing to try new things, which is great. But enthusiasm will only take you so far. Without a long term plan you’re likely to waste a lot of time, effort and potentially money investing in anything that seems like a good idea, with no real plan to help you achieve the results you want. Be a bit more strategic about your efforts and give new campaigns time to work before moving on to the next thing.


Mostly Cs

To do you credit, the fact that you’re still in business is pretty impressive. Not only do you not have a plan but you like to throw the rulebook out of the window and go your own way when it comes to sales and marketing. If these aren’t your strong areas, that’s not a problem – but it’s worth bringing in experts who can help you so that you can focus on what you do best. We promise you, the results and long term success will be well worth it.


If you want help marketing your properties to international buyers and increasing the amount of leads you generate, get in touch with the Kyero team today.

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